Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179481-179500 of all 183,164 gems.
179,475613nblog_zonFile to Clipboard gem
179,475613packwerk_yardParsing YARD plugin for packwerk
179,475613generate-object-propertyPlaceholder by RubyGems security team
179,475613fastlane-plugin-firebase_test_lab_integrationRun Android/iOS integration tests on Firebase Test Lab
179,475613rails_command_paletteA command palette for Rails using Stimulus and Ninja Keys.
179,475613zillaceZillace is a database manipulation library for Mozilla Firefox. It reads the places.sq...
179,487612streamforceSmall wrapper over the Salesforce Streaming API
179,487612majesticmonolithCLI used to create Rails monoliths by Rocketship for quickly building SaaS applications.
179,487612caidoThe caido-ruby library simplifies using Caido's API in Ruby applications. ...
179,490611activerecord_liquid_dropsAdds support for creating liquid language drop classes for ActiveRecord models and assi...
179,490611hearthsideAn Indieweb/Fediverse blog generator
179,490611applover_jwtA simple jwt gem
179,490611write_sql_to_fileWrite to_sql result to file
179,490611td-ameritrade-apiGem for authenticating with TD Ameritrade and some patterns for executing trades
179,490611jpg_or_webpUseragent sniffing tool to choose the more appropriate image format between JPEG and WebP.
179,490611fluent-plugin-ecs-metadata-filter-v2Filter plugin to add AWS ECS metadata to fluentd events
179,490611rails_server_analyticsA rails gem that shows your rails application metrics and analytics in a dashboard view...
179,499610huginn_google_calendar_event_checker_agentWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,499610doorloopA Ruby client for the DoorLoop API, allowing easy access to its resources.