Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179521-179540 of all 182,301 gems.
179,514520cardtrickGenerate and handle deck(s) of cards.
179,514520active_admin_nested_formsGem that overrides normal active admin nested forms behaviour.
179,514520jekyll_paperwiki_ipaA Jekyll plugin to format IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) text, meant to be used ...
179,514520sip2-rubyA library and executables for parsing and encoding SIP2 messages (a standard for da...
179,527519validates_identity-ar_dniValidates Argentina DNI Document and test it with matchers in a simple way.
179,527519suez_mon_eauRetrieve water usage information from Suez in France
179,527519unique_names_generatorGenerate random and unique names in Ruby with support for PRNG seeded/deterministic gen...
179,527519express_scripts_apiExpressScripts API
179,527519rebbledocsRebble Docs is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
179,527519snapshot_inspectorTake snapshots of responses and mail messages while testing, and inspect them in a brow...
179,527519prompt-listsCategorised lists of things for AI image and media generation on
179,527519hello_helloA simple hello mars gem
179,527519active_filterableActiveFilterable is a gem designed to enable custom query filters for ActiveRecord mode...
179, allows you to receive instants alerts when specific keywords appear on social...
179,537518spinels-will_paginate-bootstrapThis gem integrates the Twitter Bootstrap pagination component with the will_paginate p...