Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179541-179560 of all 182,301 gems.
179,537518shikimori-oauth2Ruby toolkit for working with the Shikimori OAuth2
179,537518random_string_password_generatorGenerate random string password
179,537518gtk-scarpeShoes is a GUI DSL standard for writing desktop windowed apps in Ruby. Scarpe implement...
179,537518atkhayar-spree-dev-apiSpree's API
179,537518decidim-kidsA module for promoting kids participation in Decidim.
179,537518open_trivia_dbRetrieve questions from Open Trivia DB
179,537518livespaceRuby bindings to LiveSpace API
179,537518guntherPlaceholder by RubyGems Security Team
179,549517adassaultAn Active Directory environments pentest tool complementary to existing ones like NetExec
179,549517holabadA simple hello world gem
179,549517skipper-clia command line client to interact with skipper
179,549517chime-dyno-mapperThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
179,549517google-cloud-connectors-v1Enables users to create and manage connections to Google Cloud services and third-party...
179,549517openwrt-luciAPI Client to communicate with OpenWRT via the Luci interface. This is an unofficial pr...
179,549517bottles_palindromeRuby palindrome detector with sinatra DSL framework
179,549517vistual_callMake export vistual call graph easy to use.
179,549517omniauth-shikimori-oauth2Strategy to authenticate with Shikimori via OAuth2 in OmniAuth.
179,549517school21_api_sdkSchool21 API SDK
179,549517nocoffee_redis_rate_limitIf an application goes beyond quota defined by public APIs, they might ban it. To overc...