Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179561-179580 of all 182,301 gems.
179,549517cerberus_123A simple Ruby gem that provides Cerberus-related functionality
179,549517xor_reverse_bitswapXor Reverse Bitswap - Single, Range, Enumerated Traversal
179,563516fluent-plugin-gelf-best-testSends Fluentd events Graylog2 by GELF
179,563516rubocop-grepIt is a RuboCop extension to define your own cop with regexps.
179,563516myersj281My own personal library for the Ruby language.
179,563516green_dotsExperimental test framework
179,563516arabic_factsGet random facts about Arabic using this gem.
179,563516pnap_payments_apiPayments API Ruby Gem
179,563516autocopperThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
179,563516lamby_updatedSimple Rails & AWS Lambda Integration using Rack and various utilities.
179,563516sonicpi-metreImplementation of metre and probabilistic micro-timing for Sonic Pi. Requires Sonic Pi....
179,563516google_bardReverse engineering inspired from the python package
179,563516logstash-output-mqtt2Logstash MQTT OUTPUT to manage real time actions
179,563516call_your_nameUsing the cyn method returns a greeting for a string given as an argument.
179,563516chime-step-upThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
179,563516glbGoogle Load Balanacer Tool
179,563516smart_proxy_hdmRead hiera data via HDM to display alongside hosts in Foreman
179,563516shopify_xateA gem that checks if certain conditions are met
179,563516guard-srbGuard::Srb automatically checks Ruby typing with Sorbet when files are modified.
179,563516rubocop-notarizeCustom linting rules for Notarize Ruby platform