Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179641-179660 of all 182,301 gems.
179,641510waves_libWrapper for waves blockchain libraries
179,641510aliyun-facebodyRuby Implements For Aliyun FaceBody API
179,641510nucleus-railsA Rails wrapper for the `nucleus-core` gem
179,641510digicus_web_backendDTR to JSON compiler.
179, provides a worldwide phone number lookup & verification API. Automate ...
179,641510inc-hello-worldsimple hello world gem
179,641510gofile_rubyA Ruby wrapper for the GoFile API
179,641510bridgetown-deploy_hookAdd a Bridgetown hook triggered by HTTP for running post-deploy actions
179,641510rubymonolithCLI used to create Rails monoliths by Rocketship for quickly building applications.
179,641510activeadmin-railsA rapid development framework for Ruby on Rails.
179,652509tfrWrapper for Terraform
179,652509openai-rbA Ruby gem for the OpenAI GPT-3 API
179,652509j_sdkSDK for Lord of The Rings Data
179,652509bridgetown_revealSupport adding reveal.js presentations to a Bridgetown site.
179,652509custom_formatterlog custom formatter.
179,652509megatestLargely API compatible with test-unit / minitest, but with lots of extra modern nicetie...
179,652509hookiAdd before and after callbacks to methods
179,652509java-checkstyle-precommitCheckstyle linter plugin for pre-commit. Useful for linting Java code.
179,652509flex_uriFlexUri is a powerful and user-friendly Ruby gem designed to create, manipulate, and ma...