Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179641-179660 of all 183,155 gems.
179,639587is_decimala more readable way to check is number is decimal or not
179,639587error_tracking_open_apiThis schema describes the API endpoints for the error tracking feature
179,639587fastlane-plugin-auth_with_github_appGet a GitHub access token using the GitHub App
179,644586gashadokuroA CSS selector parser implemented in Ruby.
179,644586rabbit-slide-unasuke-ruby30th-lt* *
179,644586code_onlineA simple and automated bot over interface of GS1' codeonline website.
179,644586peachtreeSpec-less, Nokogiri-compatible HTML parser
179,648585roadsingh_chouhanroadsingh k gem
179,648585simple_firebase_uploaderThis gem is a simple gem to upload images to Firebase.
179,648585erogamescapeErogameScape scraper
179,648585segitigaItung Segitiga Sederhana
179,648585taoversePrints a random Tao te Ching verse on the command line
179,648585skipper-clia command line client to interact with skipper
179,648585evanescenceSimple in memory cache
179,655584print_wrapwrap a block of code in a before/after message
179,655584check_listA cli checklist
179,655584digicus_web_backendDTR to JSON compiler.
179,655584cesar_view_toolGem testing create a library in Ruby On Rails
179,655584pgchiefA simple ruby script to manage postgresql databases and users
179,655584paigeLikely vaporware alternative API to PrawnPDF