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179601-179620 of all 182,301 gems.
179,596514formedA form object that really wants to be a form object.
179,596514test-development-dependenciesWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,596514turbo-uiTurbo powered UI components
179,596514primeraGemaGema para post de rubyvania
179,596514railstackMy Rails apps need few common tools. This gem extracts them into a single place.
179,606513postnumerValidate and use Icelandic postal codes.
179,606513pnap_invoicing_apiInvoicing API Ruby Gem
179,606513setenvA gem to simplify environment configuration using secret managers.
179,606513omnievent-googleAn google strategy for OmniEvent
179,606513amountAn amount of money with currency and 18-digit precision.
179,606513gvl_timingMeasure time spent in different GVL states
179,606513niwaNew, Integrated, Working Annotations
179,606513raioquicWrite a longer description or delete this line.
179,606513hercule-poroHercule::PORO helps give your Ruby POROs a healthy distance to their genius.
179,606513libsql-rbA Libsql client for Ruby
179,606513lushkaTiny mock-server with simple configuration
179,606513read-only-modeSimple read-only maintenance mode for Rails and Rack based web applications
179,606513safeconsoleA pry console that's safe for production use. Safeconsole wraps your console usage in ...