Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179581-179600 of all 182,301 gems.
179,581515easy_animatorSimple animator with easing.
179,581515logstash-filter-jwt-skwLogstash filter plugin
179,581515rbs_shrineA RBS files generator for shrine gem
179,581515chime-messagingThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
179,581515openc3-cosmos-hostAllows COSMOS to execute arbitrary commands on the host
179,581515parity_demoA gem for splitting arrays by parity
179,581515missy-studio-gameGem that plays a game with multiple rounds and players. s
179,581515gc_tunerGet suggestions to tune Ruby's garbage collector
179,581515ruby_dugaClient for the DUGA Web Service API v1.2
179,581515find_top_kinput an array only with integers and a integer k which bigger then 0, this gem will fi...
179,581515ruby-staciruby-aci is a ruby interface for ShenTong using STACI API.
179,581515async_flowDurable async workflow orchestration engine for Ruby
179,581515modelscopeModel scope analyzes your Rails application models and provides some useful insights on...
179,581515dry-operation_generators-baseShared code of operation generators
179,581515unifi-controllerA client for communicating with the UniFi Controller. This is an unofficial project.
179,596514easy_buildThis is a place holder
179,596514middleman-csvA Middleman plugin that renders all blog posts in CSV format
179,596514easy-dotenvA dotenv simplifier
179,596514doc-themeA minimal, responsive, and feature-rich Jekyll theme for technical writing.
179,596514activestorage-storj-s3Providing Storj S3 gateway support for activestorage-storj gem