Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179681-179700 of all 183,155 gems.
179,673582roseflow-railsIntegrates Roseflow with Ruby on Rails
179,682581ligmaLinear Isomorphic Geospacial Mapping Algorithm
179,682581portertech-sensu-loggerThe Sensu logger library
179,682581calculator_gACalculator basic
179,682581weighted_randProvides a method to select a element by weighted randomization from a hash with weights.
179,682581crush-rbRun several flavors of compression to keep only the most space efficient one
179,682581box_active_storageThis Gem is for integrating with ActiveStorage.
179,682581proto_pluginEasily build protobuf compiler plugins in Ruby.
179,690580google-cloud-redis-cluster-v1beta1Creates and manages Redis instances on the Google Cloud Platform. Note that google-clou...
179,690580satusehat_clientSATUSEHAT adalah ekosistem pertukaran data kesehatan (HIE: Health Information Exchange)...
179,690580imap_moguraA mail filtering tool for IMAP.
179,690580test_palindrome_gemAllows for "Racecar".palindrome? for strings, returning true. Works for strings of uppe...
179,690580gemapiA compatible API for rails.
179,690580uhidCreate virtual USB devices on Linux using the uhid module.
179,690580jekyll-generate-tagsClassify Jekyll post content automatically using NLP
179,690580world_voyagerIt uses simplemaps database to provide a list of countries and cities around the world ...
179,690580seedgenGenerate seed files from your schema.
179,690580fastlane-plugin-package_submitUpload ipa and associated .plist to specified server.
179,700579hiroto_pushA gem that allows you to save changes to github on your local PC