Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179681-179700 of all 182,301 gems.
179,676507xtreme-calculator-sdkUse the XTreme Calculator to pass your exams.
179,683506srk_railsA simple hello world gem
179,683506openc3-enterpriseOpenC3 Enterprise Edition adds enterprise features to the base OpenC3.
179,683506nonesuchA theme with brutal sensibilities.
179,683506parity_propeA gem to split an array by parity
179,683506raki_array_parityThis Gem will split the array upon parity
179,683506rails_callback_exInsert/delete callbacks for rails.
179,683506MagentoTwoAn API wrapper to handle orders, shipments, customers and products.
179,683506chutzenChutzen is a toolkit to implement batch processing for your Ruby or Ruby on Rails appli...
179,683506parity_propertyThis is a practice gem
179,683506callbackerCallbacker provides a module for attaching before and after callbacks to code.
179,683506config-var-rails-rc0This is a test gem.
179,683506simple_injectorA gem to handle dependency injection on ruby applications
179,696505ask_gpt_cliA ruby gem to ask OpenAI GPT API with context and history from command line
179,696505coderberryTools, generators, and utilities for ruby development
179,696505create-discourse-pluginBased on the Discourse plugin skeleton, this script creates a new plugin with the provi...
179,696505activestorage-storjProviding Storj Cloud Storage support for ActiveStorage in Rails
179,696505logstash-output-s3-zstThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...