Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179661-179680 of all 182,301 gems.
179,652509jekyll-subscriber_onlySubscriber Only allows you to monetize your Jekyll site with paid subscriptions. Ma...
179,652509tiny_ollamaa tiny gem for using ollama's generate and chat endpoints
179,663508connect-rubyIdiomatic Connect RPCs for Ruby.
179,663508gitwrabgit command wrabper
179,663508crowdfund23This gem is the result of exercises as part of the Ruby Tutorial from PragmaticStudio.
179,663508active_authenticationA pure Rails authentication solution. Inspired by devise, but with a pure Rails impleme...
179,663508pure_sapphireConsume multiple APIs from mutli sources like Reddit, Twitter and more using pure funct...
179,663508mongoid-multitenancy-forkedMultiTenancy with Mongoid - This is a fork for mongoid-multitenancy just to allow mongo...
179,663508daqing_figaroSimple, Heroku-friendly Rails app configuration using ENV and a single YAML file
179,663508lotr-sdkConsume information about the Lord of the Rings trilogy
179,663508fips_lookupStores FIPS codes for US States and Counties
179,663508jarvi_consai console
179,663508Numerical_IntegrationLibrary with methods for numerical integration
179,663508safer_migrationsProvide safer migration methods
179,663508file_searchGenerates from an array of directories an array of the files they contain. Support rec...
179,676507chat_gpt_blockerSimple gem (middlware) to block ChatGPT-User
179,676507pickles_httpA simple Http Framework gem
179,676507KSCrashThis package is meant for security research purposes and does not contain any useful code.
179,676507database_copyThis gem simplifies the process of database migration or replication by providing a str...
179,676507rabbit-slide-znz-rubykansai-2023-03[2022 年度 Ruby アソシエーション開発助成](でやっている「Ruby リファレンスマ...