Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
179621-179640 of all 182,301 gems.
179,606513jekyll-theme-petridishJekyll theme for research project websites
179,606513import_graphImport Graph is a Gem that creates a dependency graph of all the ruby files in a given ...
179,623512kotonekotone at tossdev
179,623512rdkRuby Development kits
179,623512rxer-apiSimple HTTP-client for
179,623512runa-ruby-clientA simple Ruby client for the Runa Connect API
179,623512coveManage containers with easy
179,623512kkiapayKKiaPay Ruby SDK
179,623512holajibtestA simple hello world gem
179,623512flexpolylinePlaceholder by RubyGems Security Team
179,623512dexcom_share_apiTiny API layer for interacting with Dexcom Share API
179,623512digicus_web_frontendDTR to JSON compiler.
179,623512set_parserWith this gem you will can parse text file easily, input a txt file and output a format...
179,623512udt-itf-themeModification of IIIF Jekyll gem theme for UDT-ITF spec.
179,623512soldocsoldoc gem - command-line tool for solidity (contract) source code documentationn for E...
179,623512minimookA beautiful, minimal theme for Jekyll.
179,637511code_review_leaderboardCreate a leaderboard for code review in your repository or organization
179,637511yard_to_rbs_inlineConverter of yard to rbs-inline
179,637511sultangg505_gem_studentsThis gem contains models and controllers for students app. You need to make your own vi...
179,637511active_record_hasProvide Active Record model.has for using exists clause on associations