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181761-181780 of all 182,276 gems.
181,760229simple_fcmSimpleFCM is a minimal client for sending push notifications using the the Firebase Clo...
181,760229stnInteract with ServiceTitan invoices and customers.
181,760229prefix_api_keyGenerate a prefix API key for your application
181,760229difference_calculatorGet exact month difference between dates
181,760229hola_inkA simple hello world gem
181,760229devopsutilsdevops system utility profiler for bioinformatics that does all the task required in th...
181,767228vietnamese_numberThe library provides methods to convert numbers into Vietnamese.
181,767228azure-kusto-rubyA client for the Kusto REST API
181,767228concurrent_pipelineDefine a pipeline of tasks, run them concurrently, and see a versioned history of all c...
181,767228lichessA Ruby client for the API.
181,771227eh-openaiA Ruby interface to the OpenAI Assistant API version 2
181,771227icanhazdadjokeThis gem provides a simple interface to fetch jokes from the icanhazdadjoke API.
181,773226articleArticle is an NNTP client that can be used to fetch articles from a Usenet server.
181,773226simple_astm_handlerA Ruby gem for parsing and generating ASTM messages used in medical laboratories.
181,773226simple-command-parserSimple::CommandParser is a simple command parser.
181,773226rails_namespace_path_helperAn extension for namespaced controllers in Rails
181,773226dabbaWrite a longer description or delete this line.
181,773226rubleRuBLE is a ruby interface to the SimpleBLE library, providing a cross-platform DSL for ...
181,773226zervicesThe quickest service generator in the wild west
181,780225new-fastlane-telegramAllows post messages to telegram channel