Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181781-181800 of all 182,276 gems.
181,780225holatestoneA simple heeello world gem. Hey
181,780225chime-flopperThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
181,780225chime-ice-ageThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
181,780225tms-cliPreprocessing TMS Report
181,780225agentbaseAI Agents for Ruby on Rails.
181,786224moniesRuby gem for representing monetary values
181,786224iprog_chatgptProvides a simple client for sending messages to OpenAI's ChatGPT and receiving responses.
181,786224blackstack-warehouseImplement Data Retention Terms in your SaaS, easily. BlackStack Warehouse perofrms data...
181,786224capnpRuby support for the Cap'n Proto data interchange format
181,786224jekyll-convertifyProvides tags and filters to convert sources of one type to another type, e.g. Markdown...
181,786224num_validationUsed to validate a number is odd or even or palindrome
181,786224naingtestA simple hello world gem
181,793223active_record_mysql_spatialMySQL Spatial Data Types for ActiveRecord
181,793223dev_metricsA RubyGem for tracking and analyzing development metrics from various repositories.
181,793223aluxAlux is Ruby on Rails framework clone for learning purpose
181,793223uinit-memoizableMemoize method
181,793223markdown_stream_formatterMarkdown parsing for the CLI supporting string streams, allowing to format before you k...
181,799222uinit-sigSigned methods
181,799222teleflowClient library for Teleflow API.