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Most downloads over all time
181801-181820 of all 182,288 gems.
181,800225holatestoneA simple heeello world gem. Hey
181,800225blackstack-warehouseImplement Data Retention Terms in your SaaS, easily. BlackStack Warehouse perofrms data...
181,800225capnpRuby support for the Cap'n Proto data interchange format
181,800225agentbaseAI Agents for Ruby on Rails.
181,800225naingtestA simple hello world gem
181,806224active_record_mysql_spatialMySQL Spatial Data Types for ActiveRecord
181,806224moniesRuby gem for representing monetary values
181,806224aluxAlux is Ruby on Rails framework clone for learning purpose
181,806224uinit-memoizableMemoize method
181,806224jekyll-convertifyProvides tags and filters to convert sources of one type to another type, e.g. Markdown...
181,806224num_validationUsed to validate a number is odd or even or palindrome
181,812223dev_metricsA RubyGem for tracking and analyzing development metrics from various repositories.
181,812223uinit-sigSigned methods
181,812223teleflowClient library for Teleflow API.
181,812223uinit-structureTyped structure
181,812223markdown_stream_formatterMarkdown parsing for the CLI supporting string streams, allowing to format before you k...
181,818222syed-subtainthis is testing
181,818222omniauth-shopify-appShopify strategy for OmniAuth
181,818222muraenaThe dangerous fish