Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181841-181860 of all 183,139 gems.
181,839327tiny_info_serviceuses the tiny_tcp_service gem to implement a system information service
181,839327solid_metricsDatabase-backed Rails instrumentation subscriber
181,839327kanjikajapanese language tools
181,839327dir-rbThe dir-rb command in Kali Linux is a web content scanner used for searching existing o...
181,845326lightningcss_railsLightningCSS it's modern tool to compress your CSS files. This gem is adding class to u...
181,845326redis_int52_autoincrementInt64 (UInt52) autoincrement via redis-servers with timestamp in microseconds, autoince...
181,847325bio-polymarkerRepository of tools developed at Crop Genetics in JIC to work with polyploid wheat
181,847325decidim-department_adminThis Dedicim's module produces a new "department admin" role which restricts the permis...
181,847325irb-theme-rk2024IRB color theme for 2024
181,847325sbf-dm-do-adapterA unified Ruby API for popular databases.
181,847325doorbellNotifications system
181,852324kmt_test_gemThis is a test description by KMT
181,852324fsrsA ruby implementation of the Open Spaced Repetition's Free Spaced Repetition Scheduler.
181,852324bakerbBaker allows to define and execute tasks during new project setup (such as calling `rai...
181,852324temp_check_gemDisplay temperature from Celcius to Fahrenheit
181,852324tron_httpInteract with the Tron Network HTTP API for Mainnet, Shasta, Nile and TronEx.
181,852324myboj테스트케이스 가져오기, 제출하기, 풀이 저장, 템플릿 설정 등 여러가지 기능을 제공합니다.
181,859323decidim-verifications-members_pickerThe Admin is able to hand-pick which emails are allowed to participate from the compone...
181,859323partition_by_signThe gem takes a hash as input and returns two arrays: one containing key-value pairs wi...