Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
181841-181860 of all 182,288 gems.
181,833218faunSelf-hosted directory-based forum and asset catalog for small communities
181,842217realuserThe realuser gem provides a simple API for obtaining the real user ID (RUID) of a proce...
181,842217maple_plotCLI and library codes of Ruby for Maple plot
181,842217lti_core_platform_railsImplmentation of the LTI Core standard as a Rails engine.
181,842217tabulardA highly-customizable tabular data processor
181,842217rider-kickAn attempt at building a reusable Clean Architecture framework for Ruby.
181,842217irt_rubyIrtRuby is a Ruby gem that provides implementations of the Rasch model, Two-Parameter m...
181,842217async-cronA scheduling service using cron-style syntax.
181,850216rating-systemA simple rating system for multiplayer games
181,850216muraena-api-clientThe Muræna API Client
181,850216jekyll-theme-anatoleAnatole is a beautiful minimalist two-column jekyll theme based on farbox-theme-Anatole.
181,853215SG_LORA game to learn Ruby programming
181,853215timer-clitimer-cli is a simple timer command line interface
181,853215muraena-apiThe Muræna API
181,856214lti_core_tool_railsImplmentation of the LTI Core standard as a Rails engine.
181,857213predicate_scopeCheck whether an ActiveRecord instance satisfies the conditions of a relation, in memory
181,857213serdukSimple Ruby Web Framework designed mainly for learning Web Development for everyone. In...
181,857213konstruoA gem that seamlessly converts JSON or hashes into Ruby objects with customizable field...
181,857213disputes-clientThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.