Total Downloads Ranking

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181821-181840 of all 182,288 gems.
181,821221cbor.rbPure-Ruby implementation of CBOR
181,821221kanseishitsuSimplified LaunchAgents management for macOS. This gem packageprovides command-line too...
181,821221deployment_notificationsDeliver Capistrano deployment notifications to Slack
181,824220rails-openaiRails native OpenAI tooling - SSE & ActionCable Channels
181,824220jekyll-blog-themejekyll theme for blog
181,824220rbfuzzymindrbfuzzymind is a Ruby gem that provides a comprehensive suite for implementing fuzzy lo...
181,827219logtoLogto is an open-source Auth0 alternative designed for modern apps and SaaS products.
181,827219no-sommer-style-pleaseA (nearly) no-CSS, fast, minimalist Jekyll theme.
181,827219mysettingslogicA simple and straightforward settings solution that uses an ERB enabled YAML file and a...
181,827219rdeadmanA tool for monitoring the availability of multiple hosts using ping
181,827219verticalComing soon.
181,833218digital-payments-sdkThe APIs detailed within this SDK will enable Shell's Fleet Solutions Customers to digi...
181,833218rabbit-slide-hasumikin-RubyKaigi2024Presentation slide for RubyKaigi 2024
181,833218otpwidgetotpwidget class
181,833218knot_talka node game engine
181,833218hindi_numeralsThis gem provides functionality to convert standard Arabic numbers to Hindi numerals.
181,833218imc_guilhermeGem para calcular o índice de massa corporal e classificá-lo conforme a Organização Mun...
181,833218smsbdAPI wrapper for Bangladesh sms provider. provider:
181,833218ruby_binary_searchBinary search list implemented in ruby using red-black self-balancing tree