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181861-181880 of all 182,288 gems.
181,857213openfeature-meta_providerThe MetaProvider wraps multiple other providers and uses a given strategy to resolve fl...
181,857213unit_measurements_us_completeA library that encapsulate measurements and their units in Ruby.
181,863212mfglr_grade_calculatorThis my first gem
181,863212jets-hanamiJets Hanami Support
181,863212mrweblonger description of your gem
181,863212muraena-botThe Muræna Bot
181,863212google-cloud-security_posturePlaceholder for the future Google-authored gem google-cloud-security_posture. This plac...
181,863212freight_calcWrite a longer description or delete this line.
181,863212glossarist-agentGlossarist component to retrieve content from remote sources
181,863212cocoapods-s3This Cocoapods plugin allows you to use dependencies from a bucket in AWS S3.
181,872211io-line.rbLine manipulation via io-console
181,872211dotpromptdotprompt for your prompt prompt needs
181,872211testoneA simple heeello world gem. Sample COde
181,872211command_line_bossCommand Line Boss is a convenience layer over OptionsParser. It provides a simple way t...
181,876210descryYou don't have to leave the command line to make and navigate notes.
181,876210sgpgShort gpg, tool for manage your gpg key (backup tarball, unprivileged keys, etc...)
181,876210laterboxA transactional outbox implementation for event publishing in Ruby.
181,879209decodingDecode dynamic values into known Ruby data structures