Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
182061-182080 of all 183,139 gems.
182,054294higem2hi gem with ruby version 2.x
182,062293cvgemA CV generation gem
182,062293rbexecListens on a socket for incoming commands
182,062293tencentcloud-sdk-bhTencent Cloud Ruby SDK is the official software development kit, which allows Ruby deve...
182,062293dtbDataTable Builder provides simple building blocks to build complex filterable queries a...
182,062293share-data-watcherGame Operation Data Watcher For IAS
182,062293super_fast_railsCreate automatically missing index, remove unused, get rid of 1+N queries, ...
182,062293its-ruby-authIts Auth is an sso authen gem for Ruby on Rails.
182,062293lesli_supportTicket Management System for the Lesli Framework
182,062293indian_num_to_wordsUse the indian_num_to_words gem to convert numbers to words in Indian Format
182,062293intInterval-arithmetic-ish library with a terrible name.
182,062293specs-sdkJust for Validating
182,062293session_attributesStore attributes in handy singletons for Rails/ActionDispatch sessions
182,074292tints-n-shadesThe tints & shades generator for CLI lovers.
182,074292smtShows time in multiple timezones
182,074292google-cloud-policy_troubleshooter-iamPlaceholder for the future Google-authored gem google-cloud-policy_troubleshooter-iam. ...
182,074292wp_posting_zonFile to Clipboard gem
182,074292logstash-output-percyThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
182,079291super_jim_serviceCool service.
182,079291multi_dbs_load_balancerrails multiple databases load balancer