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182081-182100 of all 182,276 gems.
182,079170tedi_parity_propThis is a gem that splits an array based on whether the values within said array are ...
182,079170medium_api_course_test_projectGem to interact with API
182,079170mailcatcher2MailCatcher runs a super simple SMTP server which catches any message sent to it to...
182,079170weird_phlex-mountExample description
182,079170my_ios_gemWrite a longer description or delete this line.
182,079170rails-app-templatesThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
182,079170sweet_messageA simple hello world gem
182,079170redis-rb-global-configRedisRbGlobalConfig allows you to set default configurations for Redis connections acro...
182,089169chime-product-accessThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
182,089169fastlane-plugin-loadlyUpload .ipa or .apk file to
182,089169weird_phlex-mailsExample description
182,089169google-apis-gkehub_v2This is the simple REST client for GKE Hub API V2. Simple REST clients are Ruby client ...
182,094168player_hubAn educational sample game project from The pragmatic studio course
182,096167seneschalManage workflows and requirements with wisdom and ease
182,096167weird_phlex-shadcn_uiExample description
182,096167rubycordA Ruby implementation of the Discord ( API.
182,096167test_palindrome_gemAllows for "Racecar".palindrome? for strings, returning true. Works for strings of uppe...
182,096167has_private_attributesSupport for private attributes in classes in Ruby