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131721-131740 of all 182,301 gems.
131,6984,187active_reloaderA Rails gem that reloads browser as soon as you do some changes in your Rails app. We a...
131,7224,186chicago-flowDataflow-style processing for hash-like rows
131,7224,186flo_voteable_gemA very simple voting gem
131,7224,186databenderDatabase subset generator
131,7224,186vagrant-kraneVagrant plugin that helps app development with Docker. It offers domain resolution, etc
131,7224,186futuristicRubymotion Promise and Futures helper on top of Grand Central Dispatch
131,7224,186typhusTyphus is Typhoeus, but easier to say
131,7224,186airliftThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
131,7224,186bolaA simple hello world bola gem
131,7224,186spectre_cssSpectre.css a Lightweight, Responsive and Modern CSS Framework
131,7224,186color-js-railscolor-js for Ruby on Rails asset pipeline
131,7224,186cmd-chatops-rpcAn implementation of the Chatops-RPC Protocol client
131,7224,186configuratrillaAllows to set configuration files with ruby in free and easy style.
131,7224,186serializable_dataAllows arbitrary getter/setters to be set on a class and serialized to the database
131,7224,186swf_converterInclude SwfConverter on a class to get #convert_swf!, which writes PNGs from that objec...
131,7224,186code0-licensecode0-license is used to validate software licenses
131,7224,186rakkoWriting my own homebrew toy programming language to learn about compiler construction.
131,7224,186googleauth_aws_container_credential_providerThe googleauth gem supports AWS Workload Identity, but it cannot handle container crede...
131,7224,186rebindMore then likely a terrible idea, but a fun addition, this allows you to rebind a method
131,7224,186ruby-avm-libraryThis library makes working with Astronomy Visualization Metadata (AVM) tags within XMP ...