Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
131741-131760 of all 182,301 gems.
131,7224,186squirm_model"Squirm is an anti-ORM for database-loving programmers"
131,7224,186my_string_extend_bwThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,7224,186tilt-importantcssSprockets / Tilt engine that adds !important to all your css declarations.
131,7224,186my_string_extendrbgThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,7454,185anaisSEO Twitter.
131,7454,185rkillA replacement for the unix Kill command
131,7454,185nyrosA simple nyros world gem
131,7454,185the-pantrySimple ActiveRecord model caching using Redis.
131,7454,185rusty_redicA lightweight Redis Client, written in Rust, as minimal as Redic
131,7454,185andyjeffries-eventmachine_httpserverEventMachine HTTP Server
131,7454,185fake_gitTrying to replicate git using ruby
131,7454,185geokit-arPort of the Rails plugin "geokit-rails" to Active Record, as a gem
131,7454,185plumberPlumber is a library for creating and updating ActiveRecord models from external data
131,7454,185silver_motherA library for communicating with the SilverMotherREST API. Register your application at...
131,7454,185vinisecond gem for testing
131,7454,185better_responderSmall tweak for rendering decision
131,7454,185red-arrow-duckdbRed Arrow DuckDB is a library that provides Apache Arrow support to ruby-duckdb.
131,7454,185tweepTweep lets you rotate through tweets in a scheduled manner, with multiple accounts, and...
131,7454,185jvRails JSON View Handler
131,7454,185rspec-remote_fixturesAllow rspec to fetch fixture files on demand.