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131761-131780 of all 182,301 gems.
131,7454,185rspec_css_validatorA RSpec matcher plugin for validating CSS within tests. Both CSS content and URI files ...
131,7454,185platonic_configPlatonic makes it easy to stop worrying about the implementation details of class confi...
131,7454,185padrino-hstoreThis gem adds support for hstore to Activerecord (< version 4) on the Padrino framework...
131,7454,185rcommonsmathA thin jruby wrapper for commons-math (mainly just a way to load the jars in a structur...
131,7654,184ambethia-git-railedSetup a new rails app, git repo, and all the initial prep in one step.
131,7654,184terminal_calPrints ics calendar events in the terminal
131,7654,184benchlingOffiical Benchling gem - filler for now.
131,7654,184loquendo-wrapperRuby wrapper for Loquendo TTS using sample SaveFile[-alaw] command.
131,7654,184highwindslonger description of your gem
131,7654,184spree_fosdick_integrationIntegration Spree Commerce with Fosdick API (full service fulfillment services)
131,7654,184watchmeSimple API for tracking time within a ruby project
131,7654,184my_string_extend_bruno_camposThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
131,7654,184appchain.rbRuby Nervos AppChain SDK for signature and rpc call
131,7654,184lita-restart-elvisRestarts a specific heroku app on demand
131,7654,184sellectrails based ecommerce for fashion and luxury
131,7654,184infobright-loaderLoads data files into Infobright
131,7654,184radiant-exception_notification-extensionAdds exception notification with Radiant-managed error pages
131,7654,184sinatra-accept-params-d1plo1dParameter whitelisting for Sinatra. Provides validation, defaults, and post-processing.
131,7654,184jekyll-anticache-tagadd unixtime query string for assets every build.
131,7654,184datadog-loggingMethods, class and formatters to log efficiently in Datadog