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131801-131820 of all 182,301 gems.
131,7844,183ebbflowgo["First gem up on rubygems"]
131,7844,183activerecord-pg_collationWrite a short summary, because RubyGems requires one.
131,7844,183tundraA generic stats collector for Ruby profiling
131,7844,183shibkit-meta_metaUtilities for friendly handling of Shibboleth/SAML2 metadata. Easily download and parse...
131,7844,183rack-masonIf you are creating Rack middleware that changes the HTML response, use Rack::Mason to ...
131,7844,183proc_rollbackRollback the side effects of a Proc by resetting the modified instance variables. Does ...
131,7844,183sparqcode-waz-storageA simple implementation of Windows Azure Storage API for Ruby, inspired by the S3 gems ...
131,8084,182treereplSystem for accessing web services for tree-like things via the repl
131,8084,182e1512ts_sales_taxCalculate Japanese sales tax.
131,8084,182fluent-plugin-sumologic-carsonoidfluent plugin for sumologic
131,8084,182tidyup! ( ) Tidy document s up your Inspired by [The Art of Clean Up: Sorting and Stacking E...
131,8084,182nordvpn-apiRuby client to interact with NordVPN's API:s
131,8084,182licenses# License Create software licenses easily. ## Install ### Bundler: `gem 'license'` ...
131,8084,182algolia-indicesA command line tool for Algolia
131,8084,182vietlottGet vietlott result
131,8084,182trail-rubyAPI Wrapper for Trail
131,8084,182novelSAGA pattern PoC
131,8084,182seeclickfixA Ruby wrapper for the SeeClickFix API
131,8084,182racket2Ruby Gem for reading and writing raw packets
131,8084,182apohllo-colorsExtensions for String highliting