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Most downloads over all time
131781-131800 of all 182,301 gems.
131,7654,184picklive-currencyCurrency classes that can represent GBP or Chips
131,7654,184redcarpeterIt's magical...
131,7654,184simple_listenersimplest possible Ruby listener lib
131,7844,183rangesRanges is a gem which supplies a time/date range class and other functionality based ar...
131,7844,183secondplanet-ultravioletRuby syntax highlighting
131,7844,183blorghetyDescription of Blorgh.
131,7844,183goalseekRuby implementation of Microsoft Excel's GoalSeek macro. Uses...
131,7844,183amatsuda-atode_yomuA gem plugin that cleverly installs rdoc and ri for the latest versions of already inst...
131,7844, client for Ruby and/or Rails
131,7844,183chocolateA framework for building hypersonic aircrafts in Ruby
131,7844,183rails-backbone-spQuickly setup backbone.js for use with rails 3.1. Generators are provided to quickly ge...
131,7844,183frogs-and-bugsWe like to be very helpful to frogs.
131,7844,183shurikenengineShuriken, a Ruby chess variant engine
131,7844,183auto_format_attributesHelp to format strings in Rails before validation of the Model.
131,7844,183precssiousMerges CSS files and allows nested declarations
131,7844,183richzhou-rspec-railsBehaviour Driven Development for Ruby on Rails.
131,7844,183solrA fresh take on Ruby client drivers for Solr.
131,7844,183tlisttlist is a small todo-list manager with labels for tasks and a highly efficient workflow.
131,7844,183toggledotsShow and hide the hidden files in OSX from the command line.
131,7844,183cms_testUtilities, functions, methods, and classes for CMS testing.