Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135441-135460 of all 182,301 gems.
135,4293,997j_futuresimple future object framework for jruby
135,4293,997redis_captchaRedisCaptcha provides simple captcha that can be read by human.
135,4293,997string_to_numberA ruby gem to convert French words into numbers.
135,4293,997thrift-jsonThe missing JsonProtocol from Thrift
135,4293,997svrlessBridging the gap between monolithic style development with a serverless backend.
135,4293,997manufacturingTools for generating manufacturing drawings and related files
135,4293,997join_selectgem to write join queries on associations
135,4293,997rails-recipescapistrano recipes for invoking rails console, rails dbconsole and rake on a rails app ...
135,4293,997jekyll-link-url-filterThis adds a link_url filter which acts like the link tag, except it works with variables.
135,4293,997extra_libextra library for ruby from francis jiang
135,4293,997yard-wiresYARD plugin for documenting programs using the wires event routing framework for Ruby.
135,4293,997catarse_echeck_netAuthorize.Net eCheck integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform
135,4293,997gorgerbRuby binding to Gorge, the NS2+/Wonitor stats aggregator.
135,4293,997bclubb-ruby-hmacA MAC provides a way to check the integrity of information transmitted over or stored i...
135,4293,997digitalfilmtree-utilContains common utilities and vendored binaries used in libraries related to DigitalFil...
135,4563,996spree_html_invoiceHTML Invoice Template for spree
135,4563,996jammit-instructureJammit is an industrial strength asset packaging library for Rails, providing both ...
135,4563,996log_replayerReads access logs and replays them
135,4563,996lightwave_rfControl LightwaveRF devices with the Wifi Link box