Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135421-135440 of all 182,301 gems.
135,4133,998webricknioWEBrick with Java NIO, uses epoll and thread pool for scalability
135,4133,998zrp_validates_cpf_cnpjCPF and CNPJ validations for ActiveModel and Rails
135,4133,998lazy_connection_poolA lazy connection pooler for Ruby. Supports lazy connection allocation and dynamic poo...
135,4133,998lotusThis gem allows easier implementation and utilization of distributed, federated social ...
135,4133,998shukujitsuA simple gem use to get holiday
135,4133,998bank_paymentsFor generating payment files for various banks
135,4133,998svb-clientSilicon Valley Bank API helper library
135,4133,998rl_hiya_lyons_davidThis library puts 'Hiya' when called
135,4293,997un_fichier_apiProvide a simple way to use the 1Fichier API (
135,4293,997rightnowA ruby wrapper around RightNow CX web services
135,4293,997funfairFunfair is an idiomatic wrapper on top of amqp-ruby gem implementing common messaging p...
135,4293,997riocRuby Ioc container framework
135,4293,997bank-of-israelBank Of Israel exchange rates client
135,4293,997auser-backcallAdd basic memory-efficient before and after callbacks, easily
135,4293,997logedrecordloged active record
135,4293,997bip70Create bitcoin payment requests easily
135,4293,997bundler-gem-hgThis gem will allow you to develop gems using mercurial instead of git
135,4293,997gender-inferenceMake your marketing super good and targeted
135,4293,997atmos-singemA gem that provides generators for sinatra apps, ready to go with rack-test/webrat/rand...
135,4293,997git_stage_formatterScript to transform staged files using a formatting command