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Most downloads over all time
135461-135480 of all 182,301 gems.
135,4563,996capistrano-mvnmaven deployment tasks for capistrano v3
135,4563,996dollar_to_euroCommand line tool to convert dollars to euros.
135,4563,996hello_world_ramziddinThe most professional Greeter program that you will never need in your life. You are we...
135,4563,996macos-tagsRuby interface to get macos Finder tags
135,4563,996easyrbMaking it easy to use ERB in a Rails-y fashion
135,4563,996seasides_fractionA hand crafted class for rational numbers, a result the the first exercise of J. B. Rai...
135,4563,996api_url_generatorAfter writing a few RESTful APIs with Rails, I was always running into issues with gene...
135,4563,996spree_product_hover_zoomA Spree extension that adds gallery view and zoom-on-hover functionality for product im...
135,4563,996mongoid_heroku_stableMongoid is an ODM (Object Document Mapper) Framework for MongoDB, written in Ruby.
135,4563,996spree_statesProvides states seed data for use in Spree.
135,4713,995arel_columns_hashMonkey patch for fix Arel column_cache. (use AR model columns_hash)
135,4713,995events_nearbyEvents Nearby will show you events nearby based on the location you enter.
135,4713,995wardrobePlugin based attribute system for ruby objects
135,4713,995app_store_reviewsRuby library for fetching and syncing app store reviews via iTunes json protocol.
135,4713,995mimocoSome testing for models and controllers
135,4713,995lab42_speculateExtract RSpecs from Markdown
135,4713,995leeh-mini_exiftoolThis library is wrapper for the Exiftool command-line application (http://www.sno.phy.q...
135,4713,995handlebars_precompilerPrecompile handlebars templates
135,4713,995leftifyPush text 4 spaces to the left. Handy for when you need to post code to places like red...