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Most downloads over all time
135481-135500 of all 182,301 gems.
135,4713,995neonmobAPI client for
135,4713,995dotenv-gpgEasy management of gpg-encrypted backup files
135,4713,995ospecOpal compatible spec library
135,4713,995convertyRequire the Converty class and pass in a numerical value and the from and to units to e...
135,4713,995regex_fieldAdd a regex field on Rails form helper
135,4713,995ractor_poolA worker pool based on ractor.
135,4713,995middleman-settingsThis Gem will let you use settings from config files everywhere
135,4713,995borA backbone generator for your Rails models
135,4713,995optparse-offAdd a functionality which remove options already added to OptionParser
135,4713,995method_call_recorderRuby: Record methods calls and replay them later
135,4913,994system_lockSystem Lock is a system-weide Ruby Critical Section that uses Memcached to lock
135,4913,994commit-timeDetermine Time Spent Writing Each Commit in a Git Repo
135,4913, » Ruby » Kernel#commander method sugar for Open4::spawn
135,4913,994jpeng_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
135,4913,994ngs-ciCalculated a metric that estimates read complexity at each base for RNA-seq BAM files. ...
135,4913,994krisl_gemBy golly, you must be Jolly!
135,4913,994hello_coloA simple hello world gem
135,4913,994normal_mapGenerates DOT3 bump maps, also known as normal maps, for use in 3D computing.
135,4913,994rsugarRSugar allows you to execute R language commands from Ruby. It wraps rserve_client gem...
135,4913,994number-to-zh-tw數字,浮點數,金額轉換 中文大寫字體.