Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135501-135520 of all 182,301 gems.
135,4913,994visit-counter-omriSimple counter increment which only writes to DB once in a while
135,4913,994retort_apiWrapper for Markov generation
135,4913,994poliAPI to integrate POLi payment gateway --
135,4913,994hola_graknolMy first ever ruby gem.
135,4913,994ddtrace-annotationddtrace-annotation allows you to annotate methods to be traced by Datadog Tracing Ruby ...
135,4913,994vkhater-redcarpetA fast, safe and extensible Markdown to (X)HTML parser
135,4913,994maryann_testlearning about jeweler and making my first gem
135,5083,993asana-god-contactAllows to send notifications to Asana
135,5083,993partitionableSeamless PostgreSQL date partitioning for your Rails models.
135,5083,993wildnet-jacksonJackson library packed for jRuby
135,5083,993racfA wrapper around IBM's Resource Access Control Facility
135,5083,993crowiA ruby client for Crowi API
135,5083,993openam-userOpenAM::User Librairie d'accès à OpenAM inférieur à la version 12. Cette librai...
135,5083,993guard-templates-jshamlCompiles file.jshaml into valid javascript
135,5083,993sinatra-specSimple specs for Sinatra apps using MiniTest
135,5083,993spree_granifyIntegration your e-commerce app with Granify (Automatic Revenue Optimization Platform f...
135,5083,993shapeslibA library for manipulating and calculating shapes.
135,5083,993timcharper-jruby-poiA rubyesque library for manipulating spreadsheets and other document types for jruby, u...
135,5203,992omniauth-mojeidOmniAuth strategy to work with