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Most downloads over all time
135801-135820 of all 182,301 gems.
135,8003,975dugoutA performance testing tool
135,8003,975paginatergem for foo pagination features in Grape
135,8003,975bulk_routingbulk processing routing for Rails
135,8003,975instrumentalityCommand line interface to profiling tools for iOS development
135,8003,975active_manageableFramework for business logic classes in a Ruby on Rails application
135,8003,975dartdatabase association resolver toolkit for postgres, activemodel, sequel, etc.
135,8003,975editor_coreCore model functionality for a simple editor
135,8003,975aremLike Arel. Without the database. With a remote API.
135,8003,975picasa_albumsSimple Google Picasa managment
135,8003,975intro_qmrtest description
135,8003,975spring_enginespring_engine is a configuration utility for setting up Spring on a Rails engine.
135,8003,975railsieveNormalizing Numeric Ranges and Make Default for params
135,8003,975ex-stringAn experiment in reimplementing the Elixir String module in Ruby
135,8003,975fluent-plugin-clickhouseFluentd output inserted into ClickHouse as fast column-oriented OLAP DBMS.
135,8003,975karenc_test_gemA gem to explain how to make gems
135,8003,975clarenceb-hiera-eyamlHiera backend for decrypting encrypted yaml properties (Fix for Issue #62)
135,8003,975math_tasksSimple gem for some math tasks.
135,8003,975hola-yzA simple hello world gem
135,8003,975martinos-spork-testunitSpork plugin to enable Test::Unit support.
135,8003,975word_referenceA Ruby wrapper for the Dictionary API