Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135781-135800 of all 182,301 gems.
135,7793,977wechat_clientA WeChat client
135,7793,977spree_przelewy24Przelewy24 payment system for Spree
135,7793,977rastreiozEsta Gem pertence ao serviço Rastreioz, que permite consultar o serviço de calculo de p...
135,7793,977mongoid-solrSolr integration for mongoid
135,7793,977flipflopsA simple server deployment tool
135,7793,977thyrgrimTest gem
135,7793,977jasmine-parserParser for Jasmine Spec Files
135,7793,977candyboxsweet flavors of candy, ready to be tasted.
135,7793,977shapeshift_rubyA ruby wrapper for the ShapeShift API
135,7793,977guitarLearn guitar the programmer's way.
135,7913,976enumerator-traits-kita collection of useful Ruby sequence traits and operations
135,7913,976vostok-railsSick pg import for rails
135,7913,976vokeMinimal CLI
135,7913,976fluent-plugin-ruby_one_linerFluentd plugin to run ruby one line of script
135,7913,976motion-loadingvieweasy show loading view
135,7913,976pictos-iconsThis icon set should cover most use cases :)
135,7913,976deadpullShare config securely with your servers and organization using AWS S3.
135,7913,976mobile_first_bootstrap_grid-railsMobile first bootstrap grid for Rails
135,7913,976snowbowlMontana Snowbowl Snow Report.
135,8003,975scbi_testcodescbi_testcode is a ruby gem that checks if a genetic sequence is coding or not based on...