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148661-148680 of all 180,530 gems.
148,6363,291jfrogavivThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
148,6363,291workarea-magento_migratorMagento 1.9.x Data Migration plugin for the Workarea platform.
148,6363,291jferris-sconnectSconnect extends ActiveRecord's named_scope chains to allow scopes to be combined inclu...
148,6363,291em-mqtt-snThis gem adds MQTT-SN protocol and gateway support to EventMachine.
148,6363,291multi-loggingLog to multiple destinations.
148,6363,291milaniliev-commaRuby Comma Seperated Values generation library
148,6363,291voteable_dmmAllows voting on objects
148,6363,291wechselkurseWechselkurse is a Ruby wrapper and CLI for some APIs of currency exchange rates.
148,6363,291fluent-plugin-filter-jqFilter Plugin to create a new record containing the values converted by jq.
148,6363,291oscopeSCPI (IEEE 488.2) interface. Only the Rigol DS1102D oscilloscope is implemented current...
148,6363,291motion-callbackAllows for multi-branch callbacks from a single method. This allows for blocks of code ...
148,6723,290cubie_pinControl GPIO pins on a CubieBoard2 running Cubian
148,6723,290test_servicesService Objects for Integration Tests
148,6723,290shutterstock-clientsee summary
148,6723,290mannie-taverna_scuflSupport for interacting with the Taverna workflow system (Scufl).
148,6723,290jugyo-dmodule Kernel; def d; require 'ruby-debug'; debugger; end; end
148,6723,290nkallen-cashCache utilities.
148,6723,290qoobaa-user-choicesUnified interface to command-line, environment, and configuration files.
148,6723,290cocoapods-humusCocoaPods database helper gem.
148,6723,290movaTranslation and localization library