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148721-148740 of all 180,689 gems.
148,7163,301superchris-rubyjsRubyJS is a Ruby to Javascript Compiler. This is a fork with some added features. Orig...
148,7163,301assignbotAssign an object's instance variables using hash
148,7163,301http-servantSimple HTTP Server
148,7163,301simple_fanoutA simple client for sending http post requests
148,7163,301voteable_mashrurA very simple concise voting gem
148,7163,301nkallen-cashCache utilities.
148,7163,301limited-salt-apia salt api gem forked from ruby-salt-api.
148,7163,301amazeballsfailshell's custom amazing library'
148,7163,301myabc-dm-auditedDataMapper plugin providing auditing for resources
148,7163,301netroots-project_vote_smartLibrary for accessing the Project Vote Smart API.
148,7163,301map-dem-tingsHelps with repetitive mapping of inputs to outputs
148,7163,301photographerTest for visual regressions using your existing testing stack.
148,7163,301ministrycentered-twitterwrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)
148,7163,301Shazburg-webby*Webby* is a fantastic little website management system. It would be called a _content ...
148,7163,301splattael-structrStructure plain text.
148,7163,301staugaard-ruby-serialportRuby/SerialPort is a Ruby library that provides a class for using RS-232 serial ports.
148,7163,301iso_bsd-i18nText describing bicycle wheel size information.
148,7163,301settingConfiguration Setting Library
148,7163,301integrity-bobetteBob's sister
148,7163,301shutterstock-clientsee summary