Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
148701-148720 of all 180,534 gems.
148,6913,290oldmoe-neverblock-pgFibered PostgreSQL connection.
148,6913,290mateuszb-hyperthrift_authHypertable thrift client interface supporting auth capabilities
148,6913,290embulk-plugin-vimEmbulk plugin for Vim
148,6913,290the_data_role_block_railsMix of `data-role`, `data-block` solutions from AI and kossnocorp for JQ, SLIM, HAML
148,6913,290tsion-rbrainfuckA brainfuck interpreter in Ruby
148,6913,290mrflip-edamameEdamame combines the Beanstalk priority queue with a Tokyo Tyrant database and God moni...
148,6913,290ktheory-json_cookie_storeLike Rails' CookieStore for sessions, but uses JSON format rather than Marshaled ruby o...
148,6913,290monkeyhelper-jewelerSimple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub
148,6913,290amazeballsfailshell's custom amazing library'
148,6913,290huwahuwa_stateState machines for Ruby.
148,6913,290rabbit-slide-kou-groonga-document-read-44回目の「Groongaドキュメント読書会」は、前回の「Groongaドキュメント読書 会」でのフィードバックを反映して進めます。進め方は前回と同様に輪読会式 を使います。
148,6913,290nirvdrum-mongomapperAwesome gem for modeling your domain and storing it in mongo
148,6913,290sporkd-oauthOAuth Core Ruby implementation
148,6913,290mspire-lipidmass spectrometry based lipidomics - especially shotgun lipidomics.
148,6913,290motion-splashCreate all your splash images from any UIViewController using whatever method you like ...
148,6913,290hola_jponcA simple hello world gem
148,7173,289marius-zsnapA script to automatically create and delete zfs snapshots from cron
148,7173,289tavern-keeper-scrubberContent Scrubber for Tavern Keeper
148,7173,289rygsaekRygsaek provides helpers to attach/display attachments in place, like a photo on a User...
148,7173,289craft_clientRuby client library for Craft