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148681-148700 of all 180,534 gems.
148,6573,291mikehodgson-bencodeRuby bindings for the bencode data serialization format.
148,6573,291workarea-magento_migratorMagento 1.9.x Data Migration plugin for the Workarea platform.
148,6573,291hkn_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
148,6573,291lda-memory_test_fixMakes SQLite3 memory tests possible by preloading the schema.
148,6573,291google-apis-notebooks_v2This is the simple REST client for Notebooks API V2. Simple REST clients are Ruby clien...
148,6573,291voteable_dmmAllows voting on objects
148,6573,291wechselkurseWechselkurse is a Ruby wrapper and CLI for some APIs of currency exchange rates.
148,6573,291iks_scrapeScrapes the daily values of IKS's investment funds.
148,6573,291oscopeSCPI (IEEE 488.2) interface. Only the Rigol DS1102D oscilloscope is implemented current...
148,6573,291look_of_performanceBe scolded with looks of disapproval when your app is slow.
148,6913,290json_rpcjson_rpc lets you build JSON RPC 2.0 aware Rack Applications.
148,6913,290test_servicesService Objects for Integration Tests
148,6913,290maiha-extThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
148,6913,290middleman-routerA simple router for Middleman projets, inspired by the Rails router
148,6913,290mikowitz-webernTaking a 12-tone row generated from user input, Webern will create the full matrix base...
148,6913,290qoobaa-user-choicesUnified interface to command-line, environment, and configuration files.
148,6913,290such_thatgem install such_that
148,6913,290tschmidt-gridzGenerate necessary files to use Gridz in your application.
148,6913,290string-is_intif the string is a integer string return true else false
148,6913,290standard-minitestA Standard Ruby plugin that configures rubocop-minitest