Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
148741-148760 of all 180,689 gems.
148,7163,301mrackThis is micro rack
148,7163,301mergulhao-rcovrcov is a code coverage tool for Ruby. It is commonly used for viewing overall test uni...
148,7163,301mekari_testrailIt aims to maintain our minimize maintaining time for our repository.
148,7163,301motion-callbackAllows for multi-branch callbacks from a single method. This allows for blocks of code ...
148,7163,301thumblemonks-thumblemonks-load_modelRails Controller plugin that provides easy and useful macros for tying models and reque...
148,7163,301timocratic-skynetSkynet - A Ruby Map/Reduce Framework
148,7163,301jferris-sconnectSconnect extends ActiveRecord's named_scope chains to allow scopes to be combined inclu...
148,7163,301rails_manageThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
148,7493,300minicount-railsRails wrapper for jQuery miniCount plugin
148,7493,300multi-loggingLog to multiple destinations.
148,7493,300tableclothDRY-er cucumber tables
148,7493,300turtlelinksEasily remove turbolinks from your Rails app.
148,7493,300hola_douzmanianA simple hello world gem
148,7493,300synthemesc-codexCodex network machine
148,7493,300tic_tac_toe_coreThis gem contains the core functionality for a basic Tic-Tac-Toe game. It can be used w...
148,7493,300jugyo-dmodule Kernel; def d; require 'ruby-debug'; debugger; end; end
148,7493,300cocoapods-humusCocoaPods database helper gem.
148,7493,300learnosity_utilsAn easy interface to learnosity endpoints with configuration support
148,7493,300oscopeSCPI (IEEE 488.2) interface. Only the Rigol DS1102D oscilloscope is implemented current...
148,7493,300diacriticeCorectează într-un string cuvintele scrise fără diacritice. Momentan baza de date conți...