Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
148761-148780 of all 180,702 gems.
148,7523,303assignbotAssign an object's instance variables using hash
148,7523,303amazeballsfailshell's custom amazing library'
148,7523,303qoobaa-user-choicesUnified interface to command-line, environment, and configuration files.
148,7523,303splattael-structrStructure plain text.
148,7523,303jquery_numeric_inputs_railsThis is a gemify of the Manuel van Rijn jqyery plugin that allows us to control inputs ...
148,7523,303qoobaa-pgprovides the module "pg", a Ruby interface to the PostgreSQL
148,7523,303resque-pool-dietquickly and easily fork a pool of resque workers, saving memory (w/REE) and monitor...
148,7523,303em-mqtt-snThis gem adds MQTT-SN protocol and gateway support to EventMachine.
148,7523,303milaniliev-commaRuby Comma Seperated Values generation library
148,7523,303uvdesk-docsUVDesk Developer Documentations Jekyll Theme
148,7523,303thumblemonks-thumblemonks-load_modelRails Controller plugin that provides easy and useful macros for tying models and reque...
148,7523,303kissifer-rack-ticket-officeRack middleware to allow/deny access to remote user by http method, path and query params.
148,7523,303markmansour-safeSimple tool to backup MySQL and PostgreSQL databases and filesystem locally or to Amazo...
148,7523,303iks_scrapeScrapes the daily values of IKS's investment funds.
148,7523,303traininfo_kantoThis is a gem to help you get train operating information in the Kanto area
148,7523,303multishipRuby wrapper for API interface
148,7523,303rk-codebreakerWrite a longer description or delete this line.
148,7783,302turtlelinksEasily remove turbolinks from your Rails app.
148,7783,302delayed_job_tgmerrittDelayed_job (or DJ) encapsulates the common pattern of asynchronously executing longer ...
148,7783,302frame9-jekyll-themeFrame9's core feature is a 9 pane gallary.