Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135521-135540 of all 182,301 gems.
135,5203,992dzslides-sassA SASS version of the dzslides css
135,5203,992fastlane-plugin-maintenanceMaintenance actions for plugin repos.
135,5203,992minitest-em-syncLess-callbacks helper for EventMachine and minitest
135,5203,992jekyll-wertherThe jekyll theme for developing documents.
135,5203,992user_redmineRest API Redmine
135,5203,992flat2treeTransform flat list into (reverse) dependency tree
135,5203,992mathjax_railsA Ruby gem for including mathjax rails in your rails 3.x or above apps
135,5203,992online_nowSimple solution to grab all the online users within the last 5 minutes of activity
135,5203,992infraredToolkit to manage an independent service provider.
135,5203,992reloadappStop reloading your browser when working on an app, automate it!
135,5203,992scbi_acescbi_ace is a ruby gem to read and parse ACE files containing contigs. It automatically...
135,5203,992morse_me_nicelyA simple gem to encode and obfuscate text input using morse code
135,5203,992carnelianCarnelian is code generation tool written in ruby. It's inspired by T4, a product shipp...
135,5203,992rabbit-slide-nari-serious-GC-with-RubyなぜあなたはCでGCを書くのですか? 本当はRubyで書きたいですよね? この 発表では(J)RubyでGCを書く方法を示します。ToyのGCじゃなくて、本気のGCを Rub...
135,5203,992document-storeThis wrapper provides a minimalistic interfaced to document-based databases. It include...
135,5393,991money-distributed-currencylayerCurrencylayer fetcher for money-distributed gem
135,5393,991uthmani_text_sizeAccurately counts the number of letters in a given Uthmani string.