Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135541-135560 of all 182,301 gems.
135,5393,991rpush-plugin-bugsnagReport Rpush errors to Bugsnag.
135,5393,991ruboty-delayTo delay command in Ruboty bot framework.
135,5393,991nil_rouletteMake all your nil errors disappear.
135,5393,991entropicTrain and predict string entropy based on character n-grams.
135,5393,991rack-chartbeatRack middleware to automatically include Chartbeat embed codes in your site.
135,5393,991extra_rubyRuby interface to Extra
135,5393,991tachyonscss-railsUse Tachyons in the Rails Asset Pipeline
135,5393,991rseaRSEA is a really simple, almost dependency-free, cross-platform, self-extracting archiv...
135,5393,991omakaseComing soon
135,5393,991strikeiron2Write a gem description
135,5393,991shrine-aws-lambdaAWS Lambda integration plugin for Shrine File Attachment toolkit for Ruby applications....
135,5393,991ruby-hamljsHamlJS processing using TiltHaml Template instead of ExecJS and Haml.js
135,5393,991jackalopeAMQP-HTTP compliant Server for Rack applications
135,5543,990testgem2332Writes "hello".
135,5543,990bcardarella-country_coderTODO: longer description of your gem
135,5543,990rdxThe aim of RDX is to join the worlds of documentation and testing, which overlap in exa...
135,5543,990TaiwanUserIDa simple user id validator for Taiwanese
135,5543,990farnsworthWrite a gem description
135,5543,990elaineDistribtuted implementation of Google's Pregel framework for large-scale graph processi...
135,5543,990take_my_wanky_input_and_make_it_exactly_how_i_want_itA barebones ruby gem