Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135561-135580 of all 182,301 gems.
135,5543,990nhl_statsWraps the undocumented NHL stats API
135,5543,990pwsafe-agentAvoid master password typing in pwsafe
135,5543,990stack_pathA Ruby client for the StackPath CDN API
135,5543,990ember-auth-module-timeoutable-railsEmber-auth timeoutable module for Rails
135,5543,990ncbi_blast_results_parserParses useful information from the HTML response of an NCBI Blast
135,5543,990odt2html-nsiOpenDocument text to HTML converter
135,5543,990archareA gem for archare.
135,5543,990kitchen-fifoKitchen::Driver::FIFO - A Test Kitchen Driver for Project-FIFO
135,5543,990embulk-input-stripeLoads data from Stripe.
135,5543,990BytesCodeConvert instruction of binary in opcode
135,5543,990epimetheusdeploys, published, and consumes stuff
135,5543,990tinder_pyroTinder dating app API wrapper.
135,5543,990netstats24-clientRuby client for Netstat's API
135,5753,989aoc_toolkitAdvent Of Code toolkit to setup and maintain quiz environment.
135,5753,989giftsGit Fulltext Search library
135,5753,989securionpayRuby gem simplifying integration with SecurionPay API
135,5753,989test-redisredis-server runner for tests.
135,5753,989passvaultA secure password vault on a smartcard, protected by a master password. Intended for us...
135,5753,989rbpoly2triRuby Bindings to poly2tri: Constrained Delaunay Triangulation