Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135581-135600 of all 182,301 gems.
135,5753,989studio_game_sah"The class project from the Pragmatic Studio's Ruby Programming course."
135,5753,989k-versionifyParser for version strings such as "1.2.3".
135,5753,989jekyll-theme-github-likeA jekyll theme like
135,5753,989railxDescription of Railx.
135,5753,989coin360api21Uses the Coin360 API; unofficial gem. #cryptocurrency
135,5753,989spree_youtubeAllows adding multiuple youtube videos, and a thumbnail selectorto a Spree commerce pro...
135,5753,989diablo3_apiSimple Ruby client for Diablo 3 API
135,5883,988hem-tasks-composer_authComposer Authentication task for Hem
135,5883,988cis_paceAutomatic page load progress bar
135,5883,988DeutschInclude the Deutsch library file in a Ruby script, and you can reference the global var...
135,5883,988ashvinps_palindromeLear enought Ruby palindrome detector
135,5883,988trussTruss is a Rack based framework that creates Rack endpoints with a nice DSL
135,5883,988delayed_job_bugsnagPlugin for integration BugSnag with DelayedJob.
135,5883,988jnb_classifierI will wrtite this section when I finish creating this gem.
135,5883,988indian_locationsA Database of States, Districts and Sub-districts
135,5883,988rmlaAn elasticsearch wrapper for mongoid odm based on slingshot. Makes integration between ...
135,5883,988twitter_posterGem for auto tweeting
135,5883,988sa-detectorSimple gem for searching and sorting data.