Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135601-135620 of all 182,301 gems.
135,5883,988valuevaluevalueA value converting gem.
135,5883,988passenger_apiPassengerAPI is a Rack application to access Passenger internal APIs.
135,5883,988waitressA minimal server provisioning tool. Pick from the menu and she'll take it to the chef.
135,5883,988hexagonaljs-railshexagonaljs Rails generator
135,5883,988BJClark-sinatra-content-forSmall Sinatra extension to add a content_for helper similar to Rails'
135,5883,988payment-highwayCustom payments for your custom app. Api client for Payment Highway
135,5883,988rails-develotestGet rid of the Rails development environment
135,5883,988clemencyRelease management
135,5883,988traffic_controlIt really helps you monitor your Airport Extreme traffic.
135,5883,988code_counterThis is a port of the rails 'rake stats' method so it can be made more robust and work ...
135,5883,988sinatra-route-mapperSinatra middleware to assign a callback on a certain route set
135,6123,987csv_parserCSV parser with advanced error reporting
135,6123,987tactlessManage your contacts without regard to vCard.
135,6123,987williamhillA Ruby wrapper for the William Hill API
135,6123,987ngxlintLint tool for Nginx configs.
135,6123,987hollaA talking RSpec formatter
135,6123,987cash_outA gem to ease setup of Stripe Marketplace Payments
135,6123,987simple_socketA gem designed to allow easier use of a TCP socket by providing proper handling of the ...
135,6123,987steamdGenerate Ruby code for the full Steam Language. Useful for Steam clients
135,6123,987memqSimple and lightweight memcached based queue solution