Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135621-135640 of all 182,301 gems.
135,6123,987biocgembiocgem command line tools
135,6233,986decoDecorate an existing method in Ruby cleanly, without aliasing.
135,6233,986block2methodEasily convert a block to an unbound method.
135,6233,986octomineRedmine plugin for import issues from GitHub
135,6233,986assembla_apiRuby client that supports all of the Assembla API methods. It's build in a modular way,...
135,6233,986bahuvrihi-externalarray-like access to external data files
135,6233,986cleangistHelps clean up unwanted gists
135,6233,986glenn2awesomeAwesome is what gems do best.
135,6233,986rancher-api-betaRuby gem to easily connect to Rancher v2-beta API. Via this gem you can do anything tha...
135,6233,986automatthew-autocodeUtility for auto-including, reloading, and generating classes and modules.
135,6233,986bahuvrihi-constantsLibraries of constants. Includes libraries for elements, particles, and physical const...
135,6233,986motion_stripestripe-ios wrapper for rubymotion
135,6233,986bootstrap_datetimepicker_railsxthis is a gem for bootstrap-datetimepicker.
135,6233,986yt2srtQuick Ruby script to convert Youtube Captions subtitles to SubRip (.srt) format
135,6233,986rubyquestThe game development is still in its early days, the main goal is to provide a simple f...
135,6233,986bamnet-acts-as-timecodeActsAsTimecode provides a timecode field, converting a duration to HH:MM:SS:FF
135,6233,986infuserA Ruby wrapper for the Infusionsoft API
135,6233,986jlgrock-flexible-jekyll-themeA simple theme for use with Jekyll
135,6233,986sort_by_keySort keys in Hash