Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135641-135660 of all 182,301 gems.
135,6233,986kcc-gem-theme-slimKCC's slimmer Gem-based theme for building jekyll sites.
135,6233,986shadowpassA tool for keeping a GnuPG password store.
135,6233,986ruby-loadRuby Load Tester
135,6233,986kuaidiniaoAn unofficial simple kuaidiniao gem
135,6233,986ice_tmA controller for Arduino OLED System Monitor, ICE Task Manager
135,6233,986bin_dieselBin Diesel allows you to write scripts relying on Option Parser with DSL that eliminate...
135,6233,986sexybuttonsThis gem provides access to the sexybuttons library (
135,6483,985twitter_bootstrap-kaminari-viewsUse Kaminari with Twitter Bootstrap :)
135,6483,985capistrano-vaultLoad secret and ssh certificate from Hashicorp Vault
135,6483,985rack-gitrack application (not a middleware) serves contents in a git repository directly
135,6483,985ogmasimple russian to english transliteration gem with specific ukrainian letters support
135,6483,985rsr_participantsThe RSR Participants gem returns the authors of the RSR Participants gem.
135,6483,985lyrixFetches lyrics for all songs in your iTunes library
135,6483,985auxesis-webratWebrat. Ruby Acceptance Testing for Web applications
135,6483,985axA simple CLI parser
135,6483,985wigle_apiProvides an easy way to scrape for small amounts of data.
135,6483,985vizi_loggerThis gem module provides a logger class and a log formatter class that will create ...
135,6483,985password_cheatsheetGenerates HTML data for passwords from Hash data. This Gem does not have a security fea...
135,6483,985kozoDeclaratively create, modify and destroy cloud infrastructure in your favourite language
135,6483,985salesforce_bulk_oauth2This gem provides a super simple interface for the Salesforce Bulk API through Oauth2. ...