Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135661-135680 of all 182,301 gems.
135,6483,985white-knightscrapes creepy subreddits and submits takedown requests for found imgur pics
135,6633,984ysetsCreate contants for your Rails 3 app using yml files
135,6633,984gazrFlexible, Simple alternative to Guard. Watchr for Ruby 1.9.3 and beyond.
135,6633,984idoAllows you to follow the git-flow with auto adding time tracking to your harvest account
135,6633,984mets_converterConverts METS schema encoded XML to YML
135,6633,984bmicalc-qwertmeCalculate BMI
135,6633,984patterntapAccess PatternTap feed
135,6633,984ddtframeworkA simple and Easy DDT Automation Framework
135,6633,984compass-warningA Compass extension to include a little warning for front end developers
135,6633,984async-jobAn asynchronous job queue for Ruby.
135,6633,984testosteroneSome testing goodies for Rails.
135,6633,984catarse_credit_card_netCredit card Authorize.Net integration with Catarse crowdfunding platform
135,6633,984hola_liamA simple hello world gem
135,6633,984rails-sandbox-busterjsRun your Buster.js tests/specs taking full advantage of the Rails Assets Pipeline
135,6633,984simple_i18nA simple internationalization library foreasily creating multilanguage ruby program
135,6633,984slt_xcodeproj_helpera commandline to sltset xcode project settings
135,6633,984food_formatterThe RSpec formatter of emoji food
135,6633,984alwanAlwan is a Ruby gem for colorizing text in the command line.
135,6633,984movie_helperThis application scrapes data off of the website,, and u...