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135681-135700 of all 182,301 gems.
135,6633,984investolink"Crowdnetic provides transparency for the private and crowdfunded securities marketplac...
135,6823,983get_xkcdThis library provides methods to get the JSON data for either the most recent XKCD comi...
135,6823,983gfc64Hides sequential primary key counts without resorting to UUIDs or GUIDs.
135,6823,983hypetextA gem that provides a simple and dirty HTTP client that handles get, post, and automati...
135,6823,983avh4-rbiphonetestWant to write iPhone unit tests? Want to write them in Ruby?
135,6823,983untied-consumer-syncUntied Consumer Synchronizer.
135,6823,983koansThe legendary ruby koans.
135,6823,983myipv4CLI to resolve ip
135,6823,983tv_renametv_rename renames your tv shows
135,6823,983kaibun_judgementKaibun Judgement
135,6823,983transit_in_uaRuby API for
135,6823,983test_metricssimple plugin to measure time taken by test cases
135,6823,983statebus-railsA Statebus Ruby gem for Rails.
135,6823,983test_my_gem_xlj_001Gem Test
135,6823,983bittorrentBittorrent Client written in Ruby.
135,6823,983global_phone_ext_ownThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
135,6823,983igemWith this gem you can load gem commands from the command line with forking, or start Ra...
135,6823,983uc3-dmp-cognitoHelpers for Cognito IdP access
135,6823,983warthogPOkes A10 SLBs with a RESTick