Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135701-135720 of all 182,301 gems.
135,6823,983automobile_calculatorAutomobile Calculator.
135,6823,983lnd-clientRuby Lightning Network Daemon (lnd) Client
135,6823,983savepipelineVIS SAVE Specific Functionality for pipeline gem
135,6823,983hipchat-secretsExtract secrets from hipchat configuration files
135,6823,983vagrant-joyentvagrant-joyent is a Vagrant provider for various Joyent services. It enables Vagran...
135,7073,982require-hereKeep your namespaces clean.
135,7073,982yieldableYieldable is meta-mixin on pure ruby, which makes your module, class or it's instance t...
135,7073,982base32.rbBase32 is one of several base 32 transfer encodings. Base32 uses a 32-character set com...
135,7073,982couchrest_model_cloudantExtends couchrest_model to provide support for creating and querying Cloudant Search in...
135,7073,982omniauth-senseOmniAuth strategy for
135,7073,982busser-toxA Busser runner plugin for Tox
135,7073,982bdude-friendfeedUses ruby and httparty to interface with the FriendFeed API
135,7073,982flexusInflector for strings
135,7073,982tailored-etsyA friendly Ruby interface to the Etsy API
135,7073,982highline_wizardInteractive array based wizzard bassed in highline
135,7073,982srsA Spaced Repetition System is a study tool which works by spacing out exercises so as ...
135,7183,981markup_mechanicFor use in Rails projects that will correct invalid HTML entered by users
135,7183,981txyun-smsA Ruby Gem for using tx-sms service.
135,7183,981averell23-bjSpecial version for JRuby compatibility. Backgroundjob (Bj) is a brain dead simple zero...