Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135721-135740 of all 182,301 gems.
135,7183,981shellfishSolve problems, learn shell commands
135,7183,981jquery-morphdomInclude jquery-morphdom to rails asset pipeline
135,7183,981tv-data-api-clientsProvides access to the TVDB Api, unofficially for an Api key, register at http://thetvd...
135,7183,981myutilsUtils for my own use.
135,7183,981gemapp129Write a gem description
135,7183,981eorzea_timeA clock in Eorzea
135,7183,981rspec-statsdReport status and duration of RSpec runs to statsd
135,7183,981chooAn animated train in your terminal.
135,7183,981locusThe gem uses the downloadable database for retrieving additional informati...
135,7183,981controller_scaffolderEasily scaffold RESTful controllers
135,7183,981kiki_gemThis gem purrs
135,7183,981sequelinhaA tool to facilitates the use of rails like config/database.yml and db/migrate/ directo...
135,7183,981lookout-vanityMirror, mirror on the wall ...
135,7353,980jquery_address-railsjquery-address asset pipeline provider/wrapper
135,7353,980jkoo_palindromeLearn enough Ruby palindrome detector.
135,7353,980attr_translateRails concern for ActiveRecord attribute translation using PostgreSQL's JSONB datatype.
135,7353,980ebay-finding-apieBay finding API client
135,7353,980basicallyA faster alternative to test mocking for Rails Model Objects
135,7353,980plate_recognizerIntegrate with