Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135741-135760 of all 182,301 gems.
135,7353,980flattened_ymlFlatten yml to a flattened key-value hash
135,7353,980bantic-ruby-opencvOpenCV wrapper for Ruby.
135,7353,980chinese-supportChinese support for ruby
135,7353,980lg-lcdRuby binding to the 'Logitech LCD SDK Package'
135,7353,980noitehojeRuby implementation for a API Client
135,7353,980wagon-erpifyAllows to use OpenERP via erpify in local LocomotiveCMS sites developped with wagon
135,7353,980fju_railstest gem for fju-rails
135,7353,980lita-dm-notifierAllows for posting formatted notifications from to slack users via HTTP.
135,7353,980dropperA tool to help automate server setup and project deployment.
135,7503,979baldowl-gem_leavesA dumb tool to list removable gems.
135,7503,979outlanderMultithreaded web crawler with transparent DSL and requests caching.
135,7503,979ui_helpersButtons Icons Overlays and other design features from JQuery UI
135,7503,979namecardMarkdown driven, single page CV
135,7503,979wiimote_morsecodeUses a Wiimote to input morse code and publish the translated text to an SPS broker.
135,7503,979yard-is-monkeyYARD plugin for use with is-monkey gem.
135,7503,979lurtzA static thing
135,7503,979untangleLeightweight dependency API for your POROs
135,7503,979cgeta parallel downloader using ssh as a control connection
135,7503,979suo-dependlessDistributed locks (mutexes & semaphores) using Memcached or Redis.
135,7503,979marshal_socketA dead simple way to pass ruby object on a socket