Total Downloads Ranking

Most downloads over all time
135761-135780 of all 182,301 gems.
135,7503,979opal-webassemblyOpal with WebAssembly support
135,7503,979bubblerCreates HTML page with bubble charts of file sizes. Can also output raw html or json ...
135,7503,979google-cloud-security-public_ca-v1beta1Certificate Manager's Public Certificate Authority (CA) functionality allows you to pro...
135,7643,978redis_json_serializerStore data by converting JSON to redis
135,7643,978dotenv-schemaDefines schema for dotenv
135,7643,978telegram_chatbotTelegramChatbot setting with chatgroup.
135,7643,978voteable_drenzAdd ability to vote on models.
135,7643,978pmA superset of Capistrano deployment solution, that ease the creation, deployment and ba...
135,7643,978shitheadA card game
135,7643,978evioSimple non-blocking IO
135,7643,978ship-itShipit is a sinatra app for continous deployment
135,7643,978romp-rpcROMP is the Ruby Object Message Proxy. It is sort of like drb (distributed Ruby) in tha...
135,7643,978json_truncateTruncate any JSON values to a certain length. Truncate to a maximum depth. Truncate to ...
135,7643,978elder_scrolls_pluginLibrary reading Bethesda's plugins files (.esp, .esm and .esl) files. Provides a simple...
135,7643,978rails-hamljsClientide Haml JS templates for rails that "just work" (like they should). Why another...
135,7643,978spree_myriad_optionslets the customer choose any combination of Option Values for a Product when adding to ...
135,7643,978SCDBtoYAMLConvert SCDB CSV files to YAML
135,7793,977fluent-plugin-config_reloaderFluentd plugin to reload child plugin's config
135,7793,977resque-cedarA patched version of Resque that interprets Heroku's TERM as a graceful shutdown. ...